Hello DXers. For your information, the triple WWRO Island Festival QSL card for DA-RC designed by 16DA101 Max at ON5UR is now available for viewing on the DA-RC website. Please visit http://www.delta-alfa.com/qsl-gallery/
This QSL card is avalaible via our club's event Manager 13DA007 Simon to confirm all DA-RC activities in the 2009 WWRO Island Festival. Standard contribution is required thanks.
73 de Darren
World HQ Team
Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC)
Website: www.delta-alfa.com
Also...Admin Team
11m DX Activities Oz - Online DX Magazine
Website: www.11mdxactivitiesoz.com
Oceania Contest Manager
Cluster Lounge Member
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This QSL card is avalaible via our club's event Manager 13DA007 Simon to confirm all DA-RC activities in the 2009 WWRO Island Festival. Standard contribution is required thanks.
73 de Darren
World HQ Team
Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC)
Website: www.delta-alfa.
Also...Admin Team
11m DX Activities Oz - Online DX Magazine
Website: www.11mdxactivities
Oceania Contest Manager
Cluster Lounge Member
(Please consider the environment before printing this email and its contents.)