Tuesday, November 24, 2009

LIBYA Winter B-09 of LJBC Voice of Africa

LIBYA    Winter B-09 of LJBC Voice of Africa:
1200-1357 on 17725 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to NEAf
1200-1357 on 21695 SAB 500 kW / 130 deg to ECAf
1400-1557 on 17725 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to NEAf
1400-1557 on 21695 SAB 500 kW / 130 deg to ECAf
1600-1657 on 15215 SAB 500 kW / 230 deg to WNAf
1600-1657 on 17725 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to NEAf
1700-1757 on 11965 SAB 500 kW / 230 deg to WNAf
1700-1757 on 15215 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to NEAf
1800-1857 on 11965 SAB 500 kW / 230 deg to WNAf
1800-1857 on 15215 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to NEAf
1900-1957 on 11860 SAB 500 kW / 180 deg to NEAf
1900-1957 on 11965 SAB 500 kW / 230 deg to WNAf
(Ivo Ivanov, DX MIX NEWS # 595)
Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi, India.

(Use of material posted in "bangladx" is allowed for non-commercial purposes
provided it is properly credited to the original source and to "bangladx")

"This e-group specialises in broadcasts in Bengali language."

To subscribe,send an email to : bangladx-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
To see previous messages go to : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bangladx

Croatian Radio B09

CROATIA   Winter B-09 schedule of Croatian Radio HS-1 in Croatian:

0558-0857 on  6165 DEA 100 kW / 320 deg to WeEu/NoAf
0858-1427 on  7370 DEA 100 kW / 320 deg to WeEu/NoAf
1428-2127 on  6165 DEA 100 kW / 320 deg to WeEu/NoAf
2128-0557 on  3985vDEA 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu/NoAf

(Ivo Ivanov, DX MIX NEWS # 595)
Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi, India.


(Use of material posted in "bangladx" is allowed for non-commercial purposes
provided it is properly credited to the original source and to "bangladx")

"This e-group specialises in broadcasts in Bengali language."

To subscribe,send an email to : bangladx-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
To see previous messages go to : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bangladx

Radio Free Asia 2009

Daily Broadcast Frequencies
As of October 25, 2009
All times UTC

Burmese (4 hours daily)
0030-0130 13710, 13815, 15700
1230-1330 11795, 12105, 15700
1330-1400 9670, 11795, 13855
1400-1430 11795, 13855
1630-1730 7505

Cantonese (2 hours daily)
1400-1500 5810, 7280
2200-2300 9570, 11740, 11775
Khmer (2 hours daily)
1230-1330 13725, 15160
2230-2330 9355, 11850
Korean (5 hours daily)
1500-1700 1350, 5860, 7210, 9385
1700-1900 1350, 5860, 9385
2100-2200 1350, 7460, 9385, 12075
Lao (2 hours daily)
0000-0100 11830, 15535
1100-1200 9355, 15120
Mandarin (12 hours daily)
0300-0600 11980, 13710, 15150, 15665, 17615, 17880, 21540
0600-0700 11980, 13710, 15150, 15665, 17615, 17880
1500-1600 5810, 7445, 9440, 9905, 11945, 13725
1600-1700 5810, 7415, 7445, 9455, 9905, 11945, 13725
1700-1800 5810, 7415, 7445, 9355, 9455, 9905, 11945, 13670
1800-1900 5810, 7385, 7415, 7445, 9355, 9455, 9905, 11790, 11945,13670
1900-2000 1098, 5810, 5990, 6095, 7385, 9355, 9455, 9875, 9905, 11790, 11945
2000-2100 1098, 5810, 5990, 6095, 7355, 7495, 9355, 9455, 9875, 11900, 11945
2100-2200 1098, 5810, 6095, 7355, 7495, 9355, 9455, 9875, 11945, 13745
2300-0000 7540, 11775, 11975, 15265, 15430, 15550
Tibetan (10 hours daily)
0100-0300 7470, 9670, 11695, 15220, 17730
0600-0700 17515, 17715, 21500, 21695
1000-1100 9690, 15140, 17750
1100-1200 7470, 11540, 11590, 15375
1200-1400 7470, 11540, 11590, 13625, 15375
1500-1530 7530, 9410, 11500, 15145
1530-1600 7470, 7530, 11500, 15145
2200-2300 5820, 7470, 9835
2300-0000 6010, 7470, 7550, 9875
Uyghur (2 hours daily)
0100-0200 7480, 9480, 9645, 9690, 13605
1600-1700 7470, 7510, 11720, 11730
Vietnamese (2.5 hours daily)
0000-0030 5855, 11605, 11965, 15135
1400-1430 1503, 5855, 7515, 9990, 11605, 12130, 13865, 15195
1430-1500 5855, 7515, 9990, 11605, 12130, 13865, 15195
2300-2330 1359
2330-0000 1359, 5855, 11605, 11965, 15135

(Via AJ Janitschek, Radio Free Asia)