Monday, March 30, 2009

DX Mix # 566 from Ivo Ivanov via Alokesh Gupta, BanglaDX

ALBANIA    Last minute changes of Radio Tirana:

ALBANIAN to WeEu Daily
2030-2200 NF  6030 SHI 100 kW / non-dir, ex 6165

ITALIAN to Italy Mon-Sat
1700-1730 on  7430 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg, retimed, ex 1800-1830*
*to avoid China Radio International in Italian 1800-1857 on 7435

BULGARIA    Last minute change of Radio Bulgaria in English to NoAm in DRM:
0200-0300 on  9500 SOF 050 kW / 306 deg, ex 2300-2400 on same

AUSTRALIA   A-09 for CVC International via DRW=Darwin:

Chinese to China
2200-0200 on 15170 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg
0400-1000 on 17830 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg
1000-1400 on 13660 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg
1400-1600 on 12000 DRW 250 kW / 340 deg

Chinese to China in DRM mode
0630-0900 on 17660 DRW 100 kW / 340 deg

English to India
0930-1130 on 15555 DRW 250 kW / 303 deg
1130-1500 on 13635 DRW 250 kW / 303 deg
1500-1600 on 11730 DRW 250 kW / 303 deg
1600-1730 on  9680 DRW 250 kW / 303 deg

Indonesian to Indonesia
2300-0200 on 15250 DRW 250 kW / 290 deg
0400-1000 on 17820 DRW 250 kW / 290 deg
1000-1300 on  9670 DRW 250 kW / 290 deg
1300-1700 on  6110 DRW 250 kW / 290 deg

GERMANY    A-09 for CVC International via JUL=Juelich:

English to Central Africa
1400-2100 on 17770 JUL 100 kW / 145 deg, not yet active

Russian to Russian
1200-1600 on 11770 JUL 100 kW / 060 deg, not yet active
1600-1800 on 13640 JUL 100 kW / 060 deg, not yet active
1800-2000 on 11945 JUL 100 kW / 060 deg, not yet active

UZBEKISTAN    A-09 for CVC The Voice Asia via TAC=Tashkent:

English to South Asia
0100-0300 on 11790 TAC 100 kW / 141 deg
0300-0600 on 13680 TAC 100 kW / 141 deg

English to India
0030-0330 on 11800 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg
0330-0930 on 15555 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg

Hindi to South Asia
0100-0400 on  9975 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg

Hindi to India
0000-0400 on  6260 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg
0400-1100 on 13630 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg
1100-1400 on  9660 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg
1400-2000 on  6260 TAC 100 kW / 153 deg

ZAMBIA   A-09 of CVC International via LUS=Lusaka:

English to West Africa and Nigeria
0400-0600 on  9430 LUS 100 kW / 315 deg
0600-1900 on 13590 LUS 100 kW / 315 deg
1900-2200 on  5940 LUS 100 kW / 315 deg

ZAMBIA   A-09 for Christian Voice via LUS=Lusaka:

English to South and Central Africa
0600-1600 on  6065 LUS 100 kW / non-dir
1600-0600 on  4965 LUS 100 kW / non-dir

CHILE   A-09 for Voz Crista / La Voz via SGO=Santiago:

Portuguese to Brasil
1200-0200 on 15410 SGO 100 kW / 060 deg

Portuguese to Brasil in DRM mode Sun-Thu
1800-2000 on 17640 SGO 015 kW / 045 deg

Spanish to Northern South America
1200-0200 on 17680 SGO 100 kW / non-dir

Spanish to Southern South America
1200-2300 on  9635 SGO 100 kW / 030 deg
2300-0200 on  6070 SGO 100 kW / 030 deg

CROATIA   Summer A-09 schedule of Croatian Radio HS-1 to WeEu/NoAf:
0459-0758 on  6165 DEA 100 kW / 320 deg
0759-1558 on  7355 DEA 100 kW / 320 deg
1559-2028 on  6165 DEA 100 kW / 320 deg
2029-0458 on  3985vDEA 010 kW / non-dir

HUNGARY   Summer A-09 schedule of Hungarian Radio in Hungarian:
0100-0200 on  6150 JBR 250 kW / 306 deg to NoAm
0400-0500 on  3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu
1000-1100 on  6025 JBR 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu
1600-1700 on  6025 JBR 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu
2100-2200 on  3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu

RUSSIA    Summer A-09 of Radio Rossii in Russian to WeEu:
0400-0800 on 12070 MSK 250 kW / 265 deg
0820-1300 on 13665 MSK 250 kW / 265 deg
1320-1700 on  9410 MSK 250 kW / 265 deg
1700-2100 on  9410 MSK 250 kW / 265 deg till Sep.5
1720-2100 on  7420 MSK 250 kW / 265 deg from Sep.6

(Ivo Ivanov, DX Mix # 566)


(Use of material posted in "bangladx" is allowed for non-commercial purposes provided it is properly credited to the original source and to "bangladx")

"This e-group specialises in broadcasts in Bengali language."

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Radio Canada International Schedules

Les nouveaux horaires de RCI pour la saison de diffusion A09 (29 mars
2009 au 25 octobre 2009) sont affichés sur notre site Internet, à la
page « Horaires et fréquences » à l'adresse suivante :

Vous y trouverez non seulement nos horaires pour les émissions en
ondes courtes, mais aussi les horaires de nos trois chaînes de
diffusion par satellite HotBird (Europe/Afrique du Nord/Moyen-Orient)
ainsi que celui de la chaîne RCI Plus, disponible sur Sirius Radio

Veuillez noter que nos horaires sont affichés en format PDF. Si vous
n'avez pas le logiciel Adobe Reader nécessaire pour lire les fichiers
PDF, vous pouvez le télécharger gratuitement en suivant le lien noté
sur la page « Horaires et fréquences. »

Vos commentaires sur notre programmation et notre site Internet seront
toujours les bienvenues.

Nous vous souhaitons une bonne écoute de nos émissions.



RCI's new schedules for the A09 broadcast season (29 March 2009 to 25
October 2009) have been posted on the "Schedules and Frequencies" page
of our website at the following address:

You will find not only our shortwave broadcast schedules, but also the
schedules for our three 24-hour per day satellite channels on the
HotBird satellite (Europe/North Africa/Middle East), and for the RCI
Plus channel on Sirius Satellite Radio.

Please note that the schedules are posted in PDF format. If you do
not have the Adobe Reader software to read PDF files, you may download
it free of charge by following the link given on the "Schedules and
Frequencies" page.

We welcome your comments on our programming and on our website.

We wish you good listening in the coming season.



Los nuevos horarios de RCI para la temporada de difusión A09 (29 de
marzo de 2008 al 25 de octubre de 2009), se encuentran en nuestro
sitio en Internet, en la página "Horarios y frecuencias", en la
siguiente dirección:

Allí, usted podrá encontrar no solamente los horarios de las emisiones
de RCI a través de la onda corta, sino también los horarios de
nuestras tres cadenas a través del satélite HotBird (Europa/Äfrica del
Norte/Medio Oriente), como también de la cadena RCI Plus, disponible a
través del sistema de Radio Satelital Sirius.

Tome en cuenta que nuestros horarios son presentados en formato PDF.
Si usted no dispone de la aplicación Adobe Reader, necesaria para leer
los ficheros en PDF, usted podrá cargarlos gratuitamente utilizando el
link que se encuentra en nuestra página "Horarios y frecuencias".

Sus comentarios sobre nuestra programación y nuestro sitio Internet
son siempre bienvenidos.

Le deseamos una agradable escucha de nuestras emisiones.


Radio Pilipinas

Radio Pilipinas Eng noted today mor as foll:

0200- 0330 UTC on 11880,15285 & 17770

Not sure whether they are already into A09.
Wrong freq anncts as usual.....15510 instead of 17770.

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi, India

(Use of material posted in "bangladx" is allowed for non-commercial purposes
provided it is properly credited to the original source and to "bangladx")

"This e-group specialises in broadcasts in Bengali language."

To subscribe,send an email to :
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A-2009 schedule effective from 29 March 2009, the SW Schedules of All India Radio

For the A-2009 schedule effective from 29 March 2009, the SW Schedules of All India Radio is availabale in different formats as follows:
1. Frequency wise :
2. Station wise  :
External Services:
1. Time wise:
2. Language wise:


Jose Jacob, VU2JOS
National Institute of Amateur Radio
Raj Bhavan Road, Hyderabad 500082, India
Telefax: 91-40-2331 0287

11m DX Activities Oz

G'day DXers,

Please check out the Question and Answer Interview of renowned DXpeditioner
26DX021 Matt on
<> . 

Other new articles include:

* Listener Stella, Doctor DX

* bhi NES 5 Noise Cancelling Speaker-Product Review

* Oscar Delta Announces NEW OC Coordinator

* Anyone Interested in Corsica Island LOTA?.by 104GT011 Roy

* What's Your Carbon Footprint? By 23DA330 Jeremy

* DXer Backs Leukaemia 26SD219 Nigel

Please make some comments on our forum topics and vote in our latest poll,
"Have you ever suffered Listener Fatigue?"

On behalf of 43SD001 Frank, thanks for your support.

73 de Darren


Admin Team

11m DX Activities Oz


Also.World HQ Team

Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC) <

Myanmar in Myanmarese is back on 5915 kHz

Myanmar in Myanmarese is back on 5915 kHz noted in the evening from 1330 hrs till sign off at 1515 hrs. This channel is known to carry the educational service. In past I have noted school lessons in English literature and Physics. On 27th March 09 at 1500 hours I could here a couple of english numbers mixed with Myanmarese talk. Are they announcement of winning lottery numbers ? This channel went off the air after the deadly tropical cyclone Nargis hit Myanmar  on May 2nd 2008.

Supratik Sanatani


(Use of material posted in "bangladx" is allowed for non-commercial purposes
provided it is properly credited to the original source and to "bangladx")

"This e-group specialises in broadcasts in Bengali language."

To subscribe,send an email to :
To see previous messages go to :! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

Thursday, March 26, 2009

HCJB Australia A09 Effective Sun,Mar 29 2009 – Sat,Oct 24,2009 from BanglaDX via Alokesh Gupta

HCJB Australia A09 
Effective Sun,Mar 29 2009 – Sat,Oct 24,2009
2200-2230 15525 English  Daily
2230-2300 15525 Japanese Sat/Sun
2230-2300 15525 Mandarin Mon-Fri
2300-0000 15525 Mandarin Daily
0000-0030 15525 Fujian   Daily
1030-1130 15400 Mandarin Daily
1130-1230 15400 Mandarin Sun/Sat
1130-1200 15400 Fujian   Mon-Fri
1200-1230 15400 English  Daily
1230-1245 15400 English  Daily
1245-1300 15400 English  Sun-Fri
1245-1300 15400 Mandarin Sat
1300-1330 15400 Eng/Mandarin Daily
1330-1430 15400 Mandarin Daily

0000-0030 15400 Indonesia(Bahasa) Mon-Sat
0000-0030 15400 Myanmar(Rawang)   Sun
0030-0100 15400 Myanmar(Rawang)   Daily
1200-1230 15340 Malay(Bahasa)     Sun
1230-1330 15340 Indonesia(Bahasa) Mon-Sat
1330-1330 15340 Myanmar(Rawang)   Daily

0100-0115 15400 Nepali    Daily
0115-0130 15400 Malayalam Sun
0115-0130 15400 Gujarati  Mon
0115-0130 15400 Urdu      Tues
0115-0130 15400 Marathi   Wed
0115-0130 15400 Bhojpuri  Thu
0115-0130 15400 Punjabi   Fri
0115-0130 15400 Tamil     Sat
0130-0200 15400 Urdu      Daily
0200-0230 15400 Hindi     Daily
0230-0245 15400 Chhattisgarhi Fri/Sat/Sun
0230-0245 15400 Kuruk     Mon/Thu
0230-0245 15400 Marwari   Tues
0230-0245 15400 Telegu    Wed
0245-0300 15400 English   Daily
1300-1315 15340 Nepali    Daily
1315-1330 15340 Malayalam Sun
1315-1330 15340 Gujarati  Mon
1315-1330 15340 Urdu      Tues
1315-1330 15340 Marathi   Wed
1315-1330 15340 Bhojpuri  Thu
1315-1330 15340 Punjabi   Fri
1315-1330 15340 Tamil     Sat
1330-1400 15340 Hindi     Daily
1400-1430 15340 Urdu      Daily
1430-1445 15340 Chhattisgarhi Fri/Sat/Sun
1430-1445 15340 Kuruk     Mon/Thu
1430-1445 15340 Marwari   Tues
1430-1445 15340 Telegu    Wed
1445-1530 15425 English   Daily
0730-0930 11750 English Daily

1245-1300 15400 FRI TO EAST ASIA
1445-1500 15425 SAT TO SOUTH ASIA
0800-0815 11750 SAT TO SOUTH PACIFIC

All times are in UTC, frequencies in kHz.
Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi.

(Use of material posted in "bangladx" is allowed for non-commercial purposes
provided it is properly credited to the original source and to "bangladx")

"This e-group specialises in broadcasts in Bengali language."

To subscribe,send an email to :
To see previous messages go to :

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Summer A-09 schedule of RADIO BULGARIA March 29 - October 25,2009 via BanglaDX - Alokesh Gupta

Summer A-09 schedule of RADIO BULGARIA March 29-October 25,2009
ADDR: 4, Dragan Tsankov Blvd., 1040 Sofia and P.O.Box 900, 1000 Sofia.
Phone:+359 2 933 66 33; fax.:+359 2 865 05 60; Website:

MW: Petritch  (G.C: 41N28/023E19):  747 kHz, 300 kW / non-dir
    Vidin     (G.C: 43N50/022E43): 1224 kHz, 300 kW / 205 deg
SW: P=Plovdiv (G.C: 42N23/024E52): 2 x 300 kW, 3 x 170 kW
    S=Sofia   (G.C: 42N49/023E11): 2 x 100 kW, 2 x 050 kW
    V=Varna   (G.C: 43N09/027E52): 2 x 100 kW

BULGARIAN / e-mail:<bulgarian @>
0000-0100 -daily- South America   7400 P170/258,  9400 P170/245
0000-0100 -daily- North America   9700 P300/306, 11700 P300/306
0430-0500 Mon-Fri Balkans         6000 P170/248,  1224
0430-0500 Mon-Fri East Europe     6100 S100/030,  7400 S100/030
0430-0500 Mon-Fri West Europe     6100 P300/306,  7400 P300/295
0400-0500 Sat/Sun Balkans         6000 P170/248,  1224
0400-0500 Sat/Sun East Europe     6100 S100/030,  7400 S100/030
0400-0500 Sat/Sun West Europe     6100 P300/306,  7400 P300/295
1000-1030 -daily- Balkans         7400 P170/248
1000-1030 -daily- East Europe    11600 S100/030, 13600 S100/030
1000-1030 -daily- West Europe    11700 P300/306, 15700 P300/306
1200-1400 -daily- Balkans         1224
1200-1400 -daily- West Europe    11700 P300/306, 15700 P300/306
1500-1600 -daily- Balkans         1224
1500-1600 -daily- East Europe     5900 S100/030,  7400 S100/030
1500-1600 -daily- Middle East    13800 P300/126
1500-1600 -daily- South Africa   15700 P300/185
1800-1900 -daily- Balkans         1224, 747
1800-2000 -daily- Middle East     6100 P170/115
1800-2000 -daily- West Europe     6100 P170/306

ENGLISH / e-mail:<english @>
0200-0300 -daily- North America   9700 P300/306, 11700 P300/306
0630-0700 -daily- West Europe     9600 P300/306, 11600 P300/306
1130-1200 -daily- West Europe    11700 P300/306, 15700 P300/306
1730-1800 -daily- West Europe     5900 P300/306,  7400 P300/295
1730-1800 -daily- West Europe     9400 S050/306 DRM
2100-2200 -daily- West Europe     5900 P300/306,  7400 P300/295
2300-2400 -daily- North America   9500 S050/306 DRM
2300-2400 -daily- North America   9700 P300/306, 11700 P300/306

FRENCH / e-mail:<french @>
0100-0200 -daily- North America   9700 P300/306, 11700 P300/306
0600-0630 -daily- West Europe     9600 P300/306, 11600 P300/306
1100-1130 -daily- West Europe    11700 P300/306, 15700 P300/306
1700-1730 -daily- West Europe     5900 P300/306,  7400 P300/295
1700-1730 -daily- West Europe     9400 S050/306 DRM
2000-2100 -daily- West Europe     5900 P300/306,  7400 P300/295

GERMAN / e-mail:<german @>
0530-0600 -daily- West Europe     9600 P300/306, 11600 P300/306
1030-1100 -daily- West Europe    11700 P300/306, 15700 P300/306
1630-1700 -daily- West Europe     5900 P300/306,  7400 P300/295
1630-1700 -daily- West Europe     9400 S050/306 DRM
1900-2000 -daily- West Europe     5900 P300/306,  7400 P300/295

RUSSIAN / e-mail:<russian @>
0300-0400 -daily- East Europe     6100 S100/030,  7400 S100/030,  1224
0500-0530 -daily- East Europe     6100 S100/030,  7400 S100/030
1030-1100 -daily- East Europe    11600 S100/030, 13600 S100/030
1400-1500 -daily- East Europe     5900 S100/030,  7400 S100/030,  1224
1400-1500 -daily- Central Asia    7400 P170/045
1530-1600 -daily- East Europe     9400 S050/030 DRM
1600-1630 -daily- East Europe     5900 S100/030,  7400 S100/030
1800-1900 -daily- East Europe     5900 S100/030,  7400 S100/030
2300-2400 -daily- Central Asia    6200 P170/045

SPANISH / e-mail:<spanish @>
0100-0200 -daily- South America   7400 P170/258,  9400 P170/245
0100-0200 -daily- Central America 9400 P170/295
0600-0630 -daily- South Europe   11800 P170/260, 15800 P170/260
1100-1130 -daily- South Europe   11800 P170/260, 15800 P170/260
1630-1700 -daily- South Europe   11800 P170/260, 13800 P170/260
2130-2230 -daily- South Europe    6200 P170/260,  9800 P170/260
2300-2400 -daily- South America   7400 P170/258,  9400 P170/245

TURKISH / e-mail:<turkish @>
0500-0530 -daily- Middle East     5900 P170/115,  7300 P170/126
1000-1030 -daily- Middle East     5900 P170/115,  7300 P170/126
1730-1800 -daily- Middle East     6100 P170/115,  1224, 747

ALBANIAN / e-mail:<albanian @>
0530-0600 Mon-Fri Balkans         6000 P170/248,  1224
0600-0700 Sat/Sun Balkans         6000 P170/248,  1224
1100-1130 -daily- Balkans         7400 P170/248
1600-1630 -daily- Balkans         1224, 747
1900-2000 -daily- Balkans         1224, 747

GREEK / e-mail:<greek @>
0500-0530 Mon-Fri Balkans         6000 P170/248,  1224
0500-0600 Sat/Sun Balkans         6000 P170/248,  1224
1030-1100 -daily- Balkans         7400 P170/248
1630-1700 -daily- Balkans         1224, 747
2000-2100 -daily- Balkans         1224, 747

SERBIAN / e-mail:<serbian @>
0600-0630 Mon-Fri Balkans         6000 P170/248,  1224
0700-0800 Sat/Sun Balkans         6000 P170/248,  1224
1130-1200 -daily- Balkans         7400 P170/248
1700-1730 -daily- Balkans         1224, 747
2100-2200 -daily- Balkans         1224, 747

0700-0710 Sat/Sun West Europe     9600 P300/306

0710-0720 Sat/Sun West Europe     9600 P300/306

0700-0710 Sat/Sun South Europe   11800 P170/260

0710-0720 Sat/Sun South Europe   11800 P170/260

HORIZONT HS-1 Bulgarian
0900-1200 Mon-Thu West Europe    11900 S050/306 DRM
0400-0700 Friday  West Europe     9400 S050/306 DRM
0600-0900 Sat/Sun West Europe    11900 S050/306 DRM

2100-2400 Sunday  Black Sea       6000 V100/ND
0000-0300 Monday  Black Sea       6000 V100/ND

DX MIX NEWS in Bulgarian:
1345-1400 Sun   1224 11700 15700
1945-2000 Sun   6100  6100

DX MIX NEWS in French:
2030-2040 Tue   5900  7400
0130-0140 Wed   9700 11700
2030-2040 Sun   5900  7400
0130-0140 Mon   9700 11700

DX MIX NEWS in German:
1950-2000 Tue   5900  7400
1050-1100 Wed  11700 15700
0550-0600 Thu   9600 11600
1920-1930 Sat   5900  7400

DX MIX NEWS in Russian:
1440-1500 Sat   1224  5900  7400
1540-1600 Sat   9400 DRM
1610-1630 Sat   5900  7400
1840-1900 Sat   5900  7400
2340-2400 Sat   6200
0340-0400 Sun   1224  6100  7400
0510-0530 Sun   6100  7400
1040-1100 Sun  11600 13600
0510-0530 Mon   6100  7400
1040-1100 Wed  11600 13600

DX MIX NEWS in Spanish:
1650-1700 Sun  11800 13800
2150-2200 Sun   6200  9800
2320-2330 Sun   7400  9400
0120-0130 Mon   7400  9400
(DX MIX # 564,Ivo Ivanov)
Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi.

(Use of material posted in "bangladx" is allowed for non-commercial purposes
provided it is properly credited to the original source and to "bangladx")

"This e-group specialises in broadcasts in Bengali language."

To subscribe,send an email to :
To see previous messages go to :

TDP A09 via BanglaDx - Alokesh Gupta


Program                UTC       Freq    Days       Lang Target Area
Moj Them Radio          0100-0130 15260 AM  m.w.f.. Hmong    Asia
Haiv Hmoob Radio        0100-0130 15260 AM  .t..... Hmong    Asia
Hmong Lao Radio         0100-0200 15260 AM  ...t..s Hmong    Asia
Hmong World Christian R.0100-0130 15260 AM  .....s. Hmong    Asia
Aso Radio               0530-0600  9680 AM  mtwtf.. Hausa    Africa
Denge Mezopotamya       0400-1800 11530 AM  mtwtfss Kurdish  Middle East
Denge Mezopotamya       1800-2000  7540 AM  mtwtfss Kurdish  Middle East
TDPradio                0800-0900  6015 DRM m...... English  Europe
TDPradio                0900-1000  6015 DRM .t..... English  Europe
TDPradio                1000-1100  6015 DRM ..w.... English  Europe
TDPradio                1100-1200  6015 DRM ...t... English  Europe
TDPradio                1200-1300  6015 DRM ....f.. English  Europe
TDPradio                1300-1400  6015 DRM .....s. English  Europe
TDPradio                1400-1500  6015 DRM ......s English  Europe
TDPradio                1500-1600  6015 DRM mtwtfss English  Europe
Que Huong Radio         1200-1300 15680 AM Vietnamese Asia
Aso Radio               1600-1630 15215 AM  mtwtf.. Hausa    Africa
EOTC Holy Synod Radio   1600-1700 15340 AM  m...... Amharic  Africa
Addis Dimts Radio       1600-1700 15195 AM  ......s Amharic  Africa
Radio Xoriyo Ogadenia   1700-1730 15350 AM  m...f.. Somali   Africa
Radio Xoriyo Ogadenia   1700-1730 17870 AM  m...f.. Somali   Africa
Voice Of Asena          1730-1800 15350 AM  m.w.f.. Tigrinya Africa
Ginbot 7                1700-1730 15350 AM  .t.t.s. Amharic  Africa
Ginbot 7                1700-1730 17870 AM  .t.t.s. Amharic  Africa
Voice Of Meselna-Delina 1730-1800 15350 AM  .t.t.s. Tigrinya Africa
Radio Bilal             1700-1800 15350 AM  ......s Amharic  Africa
TDPradio                2300-2400  9790 DRM mtwtfss English  America

Reports to :
c/o Ludo Maes
P.O. Box 1
2310 Rijkevorsel
Tel : +32 33 14 78 00
Mob : +32 477 477 800
Fax : +32 33 14 12 12
E-mail :
Web :

PDF version of this schd can be downloaded from :

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi.

(Use of material posted in "bangladx" is allowed for non-commercial purposes
provided it is properly credited to the original source and to "bangladx")

"This e-group specialises in broadcasts in Bengali language."

To subscribe,send an email to :
To see previous messages go to :

Shifting of AIR frequencies from 7100-7200 kHz

All India Radio A09
Shifting of AIR frequencies from 7100-7200 kHz
Band wef 29th March,2009
All times in UTC

External Service changes

AIR Panaji (250 kW)
1615-1730 Persian (W.Asia) 7250(ex 7115)
1730-1830 Malayalam (W.Asia) 7250(ex 7115)

AIR Chennai (100 kW)
0000-0115 Tamil (Sri Lanka) 7270(ex 7360)
0115-0200 Sinhala (Sri Lanka) 7270(ex 7360)
0200-0430 FM Gold (Chennai)HS 7270(ex 7360)

AIR Mumbai (100 kW)
0015-0430 Urdu (Pakistan) 7340(ex 7195)
0830-1130 Urdu (Pakistan) 7340(ex 7195)
1130-1140 HS (Hindi/Eng) 7340(ex 7195)
1230-1500 Sindhi (Pakistan) 7340(ex 7195)
1500-1600 Baluchi (Pakistan) 7340(ex 7195)

AIR Delhi(Kingsway)(50 kW)
0030-0040 HS (Hindi/Eng) 7370(ex 7150)

AIR Delhi(Kingsway)(100 kW)
0100-0200 Sindhi (Pakistan) 7370(ex 7125)

AIR Delhi(Kingsway)(100 kW)
1600-1830 Nat.Prog 7370(ex 7140)

Regional SW Transmitters

Station Time (IST) Time (UTC) Freq(kHz)
Old New
Bhopal 0755-1600 IST 0225-1030 UTC 7180 7430
Chennai 0830-1700 IST 0300-1130 UTC 7160 7380
Hyderabad 0755-1715 IST 0225-1145 UTC 7140 7420
Imphal 0800-1530 IST 0230-1000 UTC 7150 7335
Jaipur 1130-1645 IST 0600-1115 UTC 7120 7325
Lucknow 0945-1615 IST 0415-1045 UTC 7105 7440
Port Blair 0845-1615 IST 0315-1045 UTC 7115 7390
Shillong 1000-1615 IST 0430-1045 UTC 7130 7315

Reports to :

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi

(Use of material posted in "bangladx" is allowed for non-commercial purposes
provided it is properly credited to the original source and to "bangladx")

Shifting of AIR frequencies from 7100-7200 kHz Band - wef 29th March,2009
AIR changes for A09
Regional SW Transmitters

Station Time (IST) Time (UTC) Freq(kHz)
Old New
Bhopal 0755-1600 IST 0225-1030 UTC 7180 7430
Chennai 0830-1700 IST 0300-1130 UTC 7160 7380
Hyderabad 0755-1715 IST 0225-1145 UTC 7140 7420
Imphal 0800-1530 IST 0230-1000 UTC 7150 7335
Jaipur 1130-1645 IST 0600-1115 UTC 7120 7325
Lucknow 0945-1615 IST 0415-1045 UTC 7105 7440
Port Blair 0845-1615 IST 0315-1045 UTC 7115 7390
Shillong 1000-1615 IST 0430-1045 UTC 7130 7315

Reports to :

All India Radio HPT at Avadi (Chennai) would carry
TAMIL/SINHALA/FM-Gold (Chennai) Services on 7270
kHz instead of 7360 kHz wef 29th March, 2009.
0000-0045 UTC Sinhala
0045-0115 UTC Tamil
0115-0430 UTC FM-Gold

Information on changes regarding AIR external services still awaited.

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi

(Use of material posted in "bangladx" is allowed for non-commercial purposes
provided it is properly credited to the original source and to "bangladx")

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All India Radio HPT at Avadi(Chennai) would carry
TAMIL/SINHALA/FM-Gold(Chennai) Services on 7270 kHz instead of 7360 kHz wef
29th March, 2009.
0000-0045 UTC Sinhala
0045-0115 UTC Tamil
0115-0430 UTC FM-Gold

Information on changes regarding AIR external services still awaited.
Shifting of AIR freq's from 7100-7200 kHz Band wef 29th March,2009
AIR changes for A09 - Regional SW Transmitters

Station Time (IST) Time (UTC) Freq(kHz)
Old New
Bhopal 0755-1600 IST 0225-1030 UTC 7180 7430
Chennai 0830-1700 IST 0300-1130 UTC 7160 7380
Hyderabad 0755-1715 IST 0225-1145 UTC 7140 7420
Imphal 0800-1530 IST 0230-1000 UTC 7150 7335
Jaipur 1130-1645 IST 0600-1115 UTC 7120 7325
Lucknow 0945-1615 IST 0415-1045 UTC 7105 7440
Port Blair 0845-1615 IST 0315-1045 UTC 7115 7390
Shillong 1000-1615 IST 0430-1045 UTC 7130 7315

Moderators: Jose Jacob & Alokesh Gupta
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Friday, March 20, 2009

shortwaves Catch a wave ~ Radio Madagascar

[shortwaves] Catch a wave ~ Radio Madagascar

MADAGASCAR:  5010 LSB.  03-20-09 UTC, Abrupt sign on at 0245 with continuous ezl music.  Excellent signal cutting in and out.  At 0256 began interval signal numerous times. 0301 beautiful clear and full ID, then national anthem.  Are they signing on one hour later now ?  They used to sign on anywhere from 0200 to 0245.  0302 full ID again and frequency announcements then into continuous local ezl mx.  Malagasy talk at 0318 then into local choir/religious/hymn type music going on and off with male announcements inbetween.  Reception was excellent with a whopping signal strength of S-9 in LSB.  Signal, modulation, and fidelity were absolutely astonishing.  0330 broke away from music without the regular "news song" and began talk, no ID.  Drums at 0331 and announcements.  At 0339, it sounded like someone addressing a crowd of people or speech.  If this was the news at 0330, as always before at this time, Radio Madagasikara just sounds very different, other than the continuous music at times.  That is just my opinion, however.

Last night, 03-19-09 UTC, RNM abruptly came on around 0330 with what sounded like what one would believe to be a political leader speaking to a cheering crowd.  This type of programming went on until I fell asleep face down on the desk at 0345.  The signal was on and off about twice a minute at times.  This was sunrise in MGD and the day before (MGD time) Ravalomanana stepped down as president.  It was very exciting to actually sit at your desk and hear FRIST HAND as major political situation unfolds in an exotic country on the other side of the world as a radio signal squeaks in ON YOUR RADIO.  THIS IS WHAT SHORTWAVE IS ALL ABOUT FOLKS ! ! !

Stephen J. Price, Johnstown, PA, USA, one big antenna, one big grounding system, and a Kenwood R-5000.

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