Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Radio Sweden Turns 70!

Celebrate with Us!

This year, the external service of Swedish Radio (Sveriges Radio) turns 70.
On July 1, 1938 the first ever broadcast from Stockholm directed abroad was
in Swedish. A year later, programmes in English and German went on air.
Today Swedish Radio broadcasts in 13 different languages.

Radio Sweden will of course celebrate this anniversary together with YOU,
our listeners and Web users.

Ahead of our anniversary programme in September, we'll provide you with a
special archive including the most interesting reports of the previous seven
decades and an online competition.

Join us on this page for more information!

(Radio Sweden

Friday, April 25, 2008

RNZI Mailbox Documentary features Contemporary radio in Fiji, Nauru and Solomon Islands

Contemporary Radio in Fiji, Nauru & Solomon Islands
RNZI Mailbox Documentary May 12

It's 20 years since the first military coup in Fiji. What does
contemporary radio in this Pacific nation sound like in 2008?

There are two main players [state owned Radio Fiji and private
Communications Fiji Ltd] both operating a series of national networks
from Suva studios, and a small handful of independent stations,
nearly all located in Suva as well.

Community radio stations in this country of 850,000 people don't
exist, and is this a consequence of military rule and fear of
grassroots media?

In the Solomon Islands, itself suffering civil tension, eight small
villages on Isabel Province have been broadcasting their own local
community programs five hours daily from 'radio in a suitcase'

Well supported by local villagers, these new community radio stations
offer a glimpse of a successful future for low tech, low cost and low
environmental impact FM radio across the Pacific.

A similar system operates on crisis torn Nauru, successfully
introduced by the University of the South Pacific and broadcasting as
Triple Nine FM.

Listen to Mailbox on RNZI on Monday May 12 as David Ricquish of the
Radio Heritage Foundation explores some of the issues, and plays
audio clips from four Fijian FM stations recently recorded in Suva.

Visit www.rnzi.com for shortwave frequencies and times, and to
download an audio on demand version of the program that will remain
available on line for four weeks from May 12.

For more information about broadcasting in Fiji, Nauru and the
Solomon Islands, visit www.radioheritage.net. An online version of
the program script along with images will be available later from

Full searchable lists of operating AM and shortwave radio stations in
the Pacific are available free on line in the Pacific Asian Log Radio
Guides. An FM guide will be available shortly. Visit
www.radioheritage.net to access the current radio guides today.

The Radio Heritage Foundation is a non-profit organization connecting
the heritage of radio broadcasting and popular culture across the
Pacific. Our website is www.radioheritage.net.

Radio New Zealand International is the award winning shortwave
broadcaster serving the Pacific from Wellington, New Zealand since
1948, www.rnzi.com.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email http://uk.docs..yahoo.com/nowyoucan.html

[dxld] World of Radio 1405 summary

*R. Taiwan International asks listeners whether to continue on SW to
North America (via WYFR 5950, 9680)
*R. Nikkei, 6055, Japan, has bilingual with English show Saturdays 0830-0900
*Clandestines to North Korea via Darwin heard on 11775, 11690
*What`s the unID on 3370 heard in California at 1339, 1430? Trans-
Pacific, mixing product?
*Monitoring Myanmar in Europe on 5985.8, 7185.1
*Papua New Guinea on 3290, nominally R. Central, carries Karai Radio service
*Radio New Ireland, 3905, sends own QSL card to Japan
*Wantok Radio Light, PNG, after a month heard again in NZ at 0914 on 7324.96
*Mediawatch on RNZI, Sat 2110-2134 on 15720, Sun 1012-1036 on 7145
*RNZI abruptly moved from 6095 to 6170 April 16 for analog at 1300-
1550; DRM supposed to be off during this period, but heard on 7145
*WMLK, Pennsylvania has been off the air since February on 9265;
internet stream http://wmlkradio.net doesn`t work either. Second
transmitter never on the air yet but thinking of modifying it for DRM
*Strong signal with music on 4800 at 0845, 1000 believed to be XERTA reactivated
*Mexican National DX Meeting this year will be August 14-17 at Gómez
Palacio, Durango
*Salvdoran station on 1080, Radio CRET, heard in Guatemala on harmonic
2159.92 at 0230 [WRTH 2008 had it inactive]
*Mysterious ELCOR transmitter test from Guápiles, Costa Rica, 5954.134
variable, moved to earlier time, heard in Florida, CR at 2130-2156
*Radio Progreso, Cuba, heard 1032-1055 on 6005(?) before RHC opened on 6000
*Monitoring on PEI near Sackville indicates R. República on 6100 at
0200 is from same site as 6135 at 2200, 6155 at 0000, i.e. UK; it
overlaps with RCI 6100 at 0200-0204
*World of Radio 1405, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 or woradio at
yahoo.com – consult http://ww.worldofradio.org for much more info
*Thanks this week for financial support from Dario Monferini, Italy
*Get your DX news while driving, Saturdays at 1730 UT when World of
Radio via WRN is on Sirius channel 140 --- unless pre-empted by
stupid ballgames
*Two different programs from Bonaire on 6165 and 6195 at 0400-0430 and
0500-0530 produce spurs on 6135, 6225
*R. Apintie, Suriname, 4990, widely reported this week at 0930, 0620,
0450, sometimes in Dutch or English
*R. Nueva Atlántida, Iquitos, Perú, reactivated on 4790, first
reported by Rafael Rodríguez, Colombia, April 18 at 2258 to 0230
sign-off; but clashes with the other Peruvian, R. Visión, Chiclayo,
around 4790.2. Atlántida slightly on the low side around 4789.6, also
at 1003
*One of the two Brazilians on 4905 heard IDing as Nossa Radio until
0258 sign-off; a slogan or name change?
*R. Cultura, São Paulo, 9615, instead distorted on 9579 variable, at
*Brazilian pirate, radio livre on 7695, Sat & Sun 0300 with 50 watts,
called Cidade Oldies, which means City Velhinhos
*R. Gazeta, São Paulo, confirmed in RGS active on 5955 and 15325 at
1900; also heard in Belgium on 15325
*Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium, also has been hearing LRA36,
Antarctica, since April 14, reactivated on 15476 between 1900 and
2100 M-F; had been off since at least January 1
*First batch of 100 QSL cards for R. Saint Helena Day, 2007,
dispatched April 12
*Benin 1566 schedule in WOR 1403 was one hour off as TWR website
showed wrong timezone; really opens at 0300 and 1700; also heard from
1835 to 2215 in Italy, mixing with India and South Korea
*Big story last week, reactivated R. Africa, Equatorial Guinea on
15190, lasted only 7 days; gone again after April 17
*Botswana publication expects Zimbabwe to attack VOA relay station to
cut off communications with Washington
*Schedule of BBC Darfur Salaam service in Arabic via Cyprus
*Radio Netherlands changes 67% of frequencies in English to South Asia
at 1400-1557, new 5830 and 9885, the latter better in Georgia than
*Radio 700, 1 kW private station in Krekel, Germany, testing 6005, and
heard OK in UK; but will have lots of co- and adjacent-channel
interference at various hours
*Radio Prague`s 2130 English to North America heard well on 11600
*R. Slovakia International`s A-08 English schedule
*Croatia closes down all MW transmitters except 1134 and 594=DRM
*24-hour SW schedule from inside Croatia
*Israel Radio finally starts streaming its classical music station,
*Islamists propose replacing GMT/UTC, a colonial relic, with Mecca
time, since Mecca is the center of the world with zero geomagnetic
declination (at the moment); if so, should be mean solar time, since
standard time was not invented until 1888. That would be a lot more
fun to convert around the world
*Eagerly-awaited EiBi shortwave schedules for A-08 season are now
available, via http://www.eibispace.de
*Domestic Broadcasting Survey 2008 now for sale by DSWCI; details and
sample pages at http://www.dswci.org/dbs
*European Mediumwave Guide contest closes April 30, nice prizes, hard
questions: see http://www.emwg-contest.org
*Propagation outlook from Boulder issued April 22: A and K indices
peaking at 20 and 5 May 2, as solar flux declines from 75 to 70 ###

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

[dxld] Logs from NH-USA, April 21-22.

4669.3, BOLIVIA, R. San Miguel, 0225-0231*, Apr 22, Spanish. Ancr w/ mx & listener call-ins; off at 0231 w/ no discernible ID or ancment, poor-fair. (Barbour-NH)

4716.63, BOLIVIA, R. Yura, 0111-0123, Apr 21, Spanish. Up-beat music w/ ancr at 0115; still going at 0135 re-check; poor. (Barbour-NH)

4754.9, BRASIL, R. Imaculada Conceicao, 0141-0152, Apr 22, Portuguese. Various ancrs w/ religous talks; poor-fair w/ CODAR. (Barbour-NH)

4777, GABON, RTV Gabonaise, 0509-0527, Apr 22, French. Ancr b/w EZL Afropop/hilife music; several IDs in passing as "Radio National"; fair. (Barbour-NH)

4780, DJIBOUTI, RTD, 0302-0316, Apr 22, Arabic. Call to Prayer at t/in; ancr w/ lenghty talk; diff. ancr at t/out; poor under presumed ute of sorts. (Barbour-NH)

4800, MEXICO, presumed XERTA, 0955-1010, Apr 22, Spanish. Testing? Continuos SP ballads thru ToH; poor-fair under band noise & mild CODAR; poor-fair. Tnx R. Wilkner tip. (Barbour-NH)

4835.6, PERU, R. Maranon, 0238-0301, Apr 22, Spanish. Ballads w/ ancr b/w selections; ad string; ID ancment at 0300; poor-weak. (Barbour-NH)

4909.76, ECUADOR, presumed R. Chaskis, 0047, Apr 21, Spanish. Ancr w/ SP talk; battling w/ WWCR spur & mild data QRM; poor. (Barbour-NH)

4990, SURINAME, presumed R. Apintie, 0452-0506, Apr 22, vern./English. Prg of continuous EZL ballads in presumed Dutch & EG oldies thru ToH; weak w/ bouts of band QRN. (Barbour-NH)

5995, MALI, RTV Malieenne, 2314-2330, Apr 22, French. Ancr w/ talk b/w
hilife mx; crushed at 2330 by 6000-RHC; fair at t/in. (Barbour-NH)

11690, "N. KOREA", Nippon no Kaze via Darwin, 1501-1530*, Apr 22,
Korean. W ancr over mx w/ freq sked & tentative ment of Australia &
Taiwan; two M w/ interview; W ancr ment Tokyo w/ "live" rpt, soundbites;
W ancr b/w mx bits at 1523; s/off ancment at 1526; filler mx from 1529;
fair. (Barbour-NH)

11775, "N. KOREA", Furusato no Kaze via Darwin, 1449-1500*, Apr 22,
Japanese. W ancr b/w musical bits; ballad at 1453; back to ancr at 1456 w/
s/off ancment; filler mx from 1459; fair w/ co-ch. DGS QRM. (Barbour-NH)

Scott R. Barbour Jr Intervale,NH-USA

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

[dxld] Radio Taiwan International possible closure of broadcasts to Nth America

Hi folks,

Today on RTI's English service it was announced that RTI upper
management is thinking about closing English language SHORTWAVE
transmissions to North America. Frequencies affected are 9680 &
5950kHz in what I presume to be the 02-04UT & 07-08UT broadcasts, both
from WYFR facilities. This is a proposal only.

If listeners to these services wish for RTI to retain these shortwave
services they should contact RTI by email. The email to write to can
be found on the RTI English Internet Streaming Tuesday broadcast. At
exactly 26 minutes & 45 seconds into the feature streaming program the
email address is provided.
{It's on the we've got mail program). RTI is wondering if it's North
American listeners would prefer to listen via the Internet. The
contact person is Paula.

Here in Australia, it's the 0700UT broadcast to Nth America that
provides the best shortwave reception, so I'm very much in favour of
retaining the shortwave service to North America.

E-mail RTI today if you wish to retain this service.


Ian Baxter

Sunday, April 20, 2008

[dxld] more recent logs

4845, Mauretania, R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott; 19-Apr. Arabic 2240-2251
two male non-stop talks.QRM from underneath, 32333 (LOB-B).

4111, Bolivia, R Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza; 19-Apr. Spanish 2258-2315
seems to be from a religious ceremony wich consists, religious voice
and acoustic guitar music alternating male and female talks; started
with female singing "Ave Maria", male "bienvenidos y bienvenidas a mas
una jornada...a Dios" and so it comes. Constant signal level, QRN,
33233 (LOB-B).

4840, India, AIR Mumbai(pres.), Mumbai; 20-Apr. Hindi 0006-0025
classic Hindu music alternating YL anmts. 0015 signal improvement
attenuating QRN, 33233 (LOB-B).

4810, India, AIR Mumbai(pres.), Bhopal; 20-Apr. Hindi 0026 Hindu music
and YL talks, 0030 time pips, YL talks, 0036 OM talks. QRN, 22232

9475, Australia, R.Australia(tent.), Shepparton; 20-Apr. English 0747
male talks sounded like outside, 0800-0810 short music, OM talks on
music maybe a ID, OM and YL talks. Tune in with a gradually signal
increase til around 0800, after declined. Poor, unreadable 23332


Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec

Embu SP Brasil - Sony ICF SW40 - dipole 18m, 32m

Saturday, April 19, 2008

euromaxx quiz

euromaxx quiz

Our euromaxx quiz is simple. All you have to do is examine four pictures and answer a simple question.

If you've got the answer just drop us a line and you could be the winner of a designer wristwatch made in Europe.

We eagerly await your entry (one entry per person per e-mail). Include your answers in the e-mail text, but not as an attachment.

There is no legal recourse.


Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:

This week's quiz is about a famous European landmark

A UFO? A piece of modern art? Wrong! It's an iron molecule magnified 165 billion times. This steel structure rises more than a hundred metres above a European city. You can go into six of its nine spheres.

Back in 1958, the structure symbolising progress and peace was unveiled for the World's Fair. It was hailed as a daring masterpiece. Now, freshly renovated, the sparkling steel spheres are still the pride of the city. What famous building is celebrating its fiftieth birthday this week?

The Pompidou Centre in ParisBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  The Pompidou Centre in Paris

The TV Tower in BerlinBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  The TV Tower in Berlin

The Atomium in BrusselsBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  The Atomium in Brussels

The Gherkin in  LondonBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  The Gherkin in London

Our keyword is "Landmark". If you know the answer, you can write to us at:
DW TV euromaxx
Voltastrasse 6
13355 Berlin, Germany

You can also send a fax to: +49-30-4646 6505. The deadline is May 2. Please remember to include the keyword! And, as always, our decision is final.

The chosen entry with a correct answer will win a Tissot watch. And three weeks ago we asked you which German city did the Beatles start their career and the answer was Hamburg.  And the winner is H. Janczik from Hermanus in South Africa. An Armani watch is on its way. Congratulations!

Swopan Chakroborty
Kolkata, India

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

shortwaves - Catch a wave ~ DX Extra Show No.4 released...

Dear shortwave listeners,

It's time for the new show, the DX Extra No.4 - a shortwave news radio
programme. In this episode we feature lovely Pan Pipes from South America.
I've opened up a new forum (bulletin board) for shortwave radio, feel free
to join!

In this show: (Apr 12th to 26th) No.4

* New A08 Broadcasting Season
* China Jams Tibetan Station.
* North Korea Jams Japan
* French Ship boarded by Pirates
* CBC upset over blocked content

Simply follow the links below to listen:

MP3 192kbps for broadband users:


Real Audio 16kbps for Dial-Up users:


Subscribe as a Podcast:


The DX Extra website: (contains transcripts, links, forum, etc)

www.dx.hriradio.org <http://www.dx.hriradio.org/>


Robb Wise,


Hobart Radio International

<http://www.hriradio.org> www.hriradio.org

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

euromaxx quiz

euromaxx quiz

Our euromaxx quiz is simple. All you have to do is examine four pictures and answer a simple question.

If you've got the answer just drop us a line and you could be the winner of a designer wristwatch made in Europe.

We eagerly await your entry (one entry per person per e-mail). Include your answers in the e-mail text, but not as an attachment.

There is no legal recourse.


Opera House

Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:

This week's quiz is about a new opera house in Europe

Building work has to be finished by Saturday because that's when the new National Opera house celebrates its grand opening. The concert hall which can accomodate up to 1400 visitors is said to have the best stage technology worldwide.

The building took five years to complete and the wooden and glass interior cost 400 million euros. This magnificent building with a stunning marble roof resembles a glacier edging its way into the harbour.

Our question this week is: In which European city is the new opera house located?


HamburgBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  Hamburg

MilanBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  Milan

OsloBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  Oslo

BilbaoBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  Bilbao





Our keyword is "Opera ". If you know the answer, you can write to us at:
DW TV euromaxx
Voltastrasse 6
13355 Berlin, Germany

You can also send a fax to: +49-30-4646 6505. The deadline is April 25th. Please remember to include the keyword! And, as always, our decision is final.

The chosen entry with a correct answer will win a Jette Joop ladies' watch. And three weeks ago we asked you about a famous work of art and the answer was Rembrandt's Night Watch And the winner is Reiner Lenz Österled from Sweden. You have won a Tissot ladies' watch. Congratulations!

Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  

BBC seeking young Swahili-speaking entrepreneurs


14 April 2008

BBC seeking young Swahili-speaking entrepreneurs

The BBC is seeking young business minded Swahili-speakers across
Africa to take part in its Faidika na BBC (Prosper with the BBC)

Entrepreneurs aged 16 to 24 have until Sunday 16 May to submit their
proposals on how they can start a successful business that has a
positive impact on
their community, using US $5,000. The proposal should be no more than
1,500 words and can be emailed to faidika@bbc.co.uk It can also be
posted to the

Country Address
Faidika na BBC 2008, Building Maison de la
Bible, Avenue de la Mission, 2eme etage, en face de
PAR, Bujumbura BP 6790

Faidika na BBC 2008, 5th Floor, Longonot
Place, Kijabe Street, PO Box 58621, Nairobi

DR Congo
Faidika na BBC 2008, P.O Box 2790, Kigali

Faidika na BBC 2008, Skyways Building, 3rd Floor, Ohio Street and
Sokoine Drive,
Dar es Salaam

Faidika na BBC 2008, 1A, Ruth Towers, Plot
15A, Clement Hill Road, Kampala

BBC Swahili Head, Solomon Mugera, said; "This competition is all about
big ideas and giving a young person an opportunity to turn that idea
into a viable business. It's also about helping young people to do
well for themselves and serve their local
Salim Kikeke, Faidika na BBC Project Manager added: "I am convinced
many young people have interesting ideas for money-making projects
which will launch their business careers. For those who do not win the
top prize we hope to offer inspiration and advice to help them get
closer to their dreams."

Five regional heats will take place in Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania,
Uganda and Rwanda – which will also include D R Congo finalists. Each
regional heat winner will receive a specially commissioned trophy and
a certificate. The regional heats takes place in Burundi on Monday, 2
June; Rwanda (with DRC finalists)
on Tuesday 3 June; Tanzania on Wednesday 4 June; Kenya on Thursday 5
June; and Uganda on Friday 6 June.

The six winners from the five regional heats will then battle for the
top prize at a grand final to take place in Uganda on Wednesday 18
June. The grand final
will be broadcast live on BBC Swahili radio and online, via
bbcswahili.com. The competition winner will be selected by a panel
made up of young East
African entrepreneurs and will receive another trophy and US $5,000.

David Ssegawa, aged 22, from Kampala, Uganda, won Faidika na BBC last
year. He beat over 5,000 Swahili-speaking new business hopefuls with
award-winning idea - a candle-making business called Bright Light
which stops people having to buy imported candles from China. David
has now successfully
launched his business. To read his story online and find out more
about Faidika na BBC go to bbcswahili.com.


Notes to Editors:

This press release is also available in Swahili.

Solomon Mugera, Head of BBC Swahili and Salim Kikeke,
Faidika na BBC Project Manager are both available for
interview. Please send an email to
christine.george@bbc.co.uk or call +44 (0) 207 557

BBC Swahili is a multi-media broadcasting service providing radio and
online content to Swahili-speaking audiences across Africa and the
rest of the world. Its flagship breakfast programme, Amka Na BBC, is
broadcast at 6.00am EAT and brings regional and world news as well as
music and human interest features. Its
most popular news and current affairs programme, Dira Ya Dunia, starts
at 6.30pm. Leo Afrika is the last show of the day. Broadcast between
8.45 and 9.00pm, it focuses on African news. BBC Swahili's popular
24/7website is bbcswahili.com. Visitors can access, in text and audio,
up-to-the minute news, features and analysis on East Africa and the
rest of the world. It also features the award-winning Kimasomaso
project, which aims to break down taboos and myths around sex and
sexuality and was launched jointly with the BBC's international
charity, BBC World Service Trust.

BBC World Service is an international multimedia broadcaster
delivering programmes and services in 33 languages. It uses multiple
platforms to reach 183
million listeners globally, including SW, AM, FM, digital satellite
and cable channels. It has around 2,000 partner radio stations which
take BBC content,
and numerous partnerships supplying content to mobile phones and other
wireless handheld devices. Its international online sites include
audio and video
content and offer opportunities to interact directly with world
events. They receive around 700 million page impressions monthly,
attracting around 40 million
unique users per month. For more information, visit
bbcworldservice.com. To find out more about the BBC's English language
offer and subscribe to a free
e-newsletter, Email Network, visit bbcworldservice.com/schedules.

DX Listening D - PNG 3290kHz

I had an opportunity to do some decent shortwave radio listening last
week away from usual QTH. Whilst tuning the dials I noted the presence
of a PNG signal on 3290kHz; Radio Central PNG's usual channel.

Now I have seen this recently reported several times in dxers logs as
Radio Central, but upon listening to the signal, programming was
definately that of Karai National Radio which is exactly what I would
have expected given that all SW outlets of Karai National Radio are
currently off air.

Radio Central's txer is co-located with that of NBC'S SW & MW txers.
Precedence at times of txer failure of any SW txer at Waigani (Port
Moresby) has usually been for the Karai National Radio Service to take
priority over Radio Central where a Karai SW txer goes faulty. At
least in my years of listening to PNG SW radio.

Radio Central has had very much of an on/off affair with the SW bands
for a long while. No doubt due to funds availability & txer failures

Can anyone say for sure that they have heard Radio Central programming
on 3290kHz since 4890kHz has been off air from last year? I'm assuming
in this instance that due to technical reasons, it's been easier for
technicians to put the Karai Service out on the Radio Central txer &
antenna (frequency). Or maybe..... just no Radio Central programming
available at the time/day heard? (last Wednesday evening) Mmm ????

Ian Baxter

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Partnership with Radio Misty brings BBC to FM in North Bengal and Sikkim

Partnership with Radio Misty brings BBC to FM in North Bengal and Sikkim

Audiences in North Bengal and Sikkim can listen to the BBC's special FM programming for the first time. Thanks to a partnership agreement between the BBC and Siliguri-based Radio Misty 94.3 FM, listeners in the region can now tune in to the BBC's infotainment updates and chat shows tailor-made for India's FM market.  

Known by its tagline "Gungunate raho" (Keep humming), Radio Misty 94.3 FM is the first FM station in Siliguri. Launched in 2007, it has a reach of 80 km and broadcasts programme in four languages: Hindi, Bengali, Nepali and English. 

BBC's FM programmes can be currently heard in 11 more cities in India. In addition to the BBC's main FM partner, Radio One in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Ahmadabad, Chennai, the programmes are available on Radio Chaska (Gwalior), Radio Choklate (Bhubaneswar, Rourkela), Radio Tadka (Jaipur, Udaipur) and Radio Tomato (Kolhapur).

(Source: BBC World Service)

-- ----------------
Swopan Chakroborty
Kolkata, India

RCI Cyberjournal

Foreign minister holds high-level talks in Kabul.

Government seizes anti-sealing ship.

Olympic official from Canada opposes Games boycott.


Canada's foreign minister on Saturday repeated Canada's commitment to help Afghanistan's government to fight Taliban militants. Maxime Bernier held talks with President Hamid Karzai and with the Afghan foreign minister, Rangeen Dadfar Spanta, in Kabul. Mr. Bernier said that Canada is in the country to build a viable state. But he admitted that there were challenges, including the problem of corruption. Canada has around 2,500 troops in southern Afghanistan. Eighty-two Canadian soldiers have been killed since their mission began in 2002. France's Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner also arrived in Kabul. The two foreign ministers were expected to visit the southern city of Kandahar, former stronghold of the hardline Taliban militia.


Canada's Fisheries Department on Saturday seized the flagship of an anti-sealing group. The Department says that it took the move to protect Canadian sealers. Fisheries Minister Loyola Hearn says that the captain and chief officer of the Farley Mowat were arrested for violating marine regulations. Last week, the Fisheries Department charged them with approaching too closely to the annual East Coast seal hunt. Paul Watson, the head of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, says that armed boarding parties from two coast guard vessels stormed the vessel in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. He called the move an act of war. He maintains that the vessel is Dutch-registered and does not have to submit to Canadian regulations.


A member of the International Olympic Committee from Canada, Dick Pound, says that boycotting the Beijing Olympic Games would be a mistake. Mr. Pound is the former head of the World Anti-Doping Agency. He says that if Canada bypasses the Beijing Games to protest China's crackdown in Tibet, then some countries might stay away from the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. He advised any Canadian Olympic athletes who object strongly to China's conduct in Tibet should stay at home. Canada has no plan to boycott the Beijing Games, which start August 8. Prime Minister Stephen Harper will not attend the opening ceremonies because of other commitments, but a Canadian delegation will represent the government.


The Canadian Olympic Hall of Fame on Saturday inducted six new memebers along with a recipient of the Canadian Olympic Order. Speedskaters Catriona LeMay Doan and Guillaume Leblanc were added in the athlete category. Members of the RCAF Flyers, who won a gold medal in the 1948 Winter Olympics, were honoured in the team category. Daniele Sauvageau, who won a gold medal in women's hockey at the 2002 Winter Olympics, was added in the coach category. Frank King and Bill Warren joined in the builder category. A memeber of the hall since 1949, Barbara Ann Scott, who won Canada's first gold medal in figure skating in 1948, became a recipient of the Canadian Olympic Order.


Students from the University of Windsor want the Ontario Human Rights Commission to investigate charges of racism against the police force in Windsor, Ontario. The group, Students Against Anti-Black Racism, is wondering why more than two dozen officers were called to break up a Caribbean-themed dance party held on campus in late January. Students say that police used excessive force when arresting some students. Students reported that the only tense event of the evening was a verbal altercation that had been dispersed by bouncers. Two people were eventually charged with assaulting an officer. A number of other students were detained overnight and released without charge.


The Conservative Party under Prime Minister Stephen Harper has widened its lead over the opposition Liberal Party. Figures from a new opinion poll show that neither party has a clear chance of winning a majority government. The survey put support for the Conservatives at 35 per cent, unchanged from a poll in March. But support for the Liberals fell to 30 per cent, from 32. The New Democratic Party rose to 16 per cent from 13 per cent. The separatist Bloc Quebecois, which campaigns only in French-speaking Quebec, had the backing of 33 per cent of Quebec voters. The Conservative Party formed a minority government in January, 2006.


China's president has denounced a proposal by the European Parliament to boycott the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Beijing unless China opens talks on Tibet with the Dalai Lama. Hu Jintao accused the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader of instigating unrest and sabotaging the Games. The Dalai Lama is in the United States to attend a conference ons compassion in Seattle. On arriving, he said that he opposed boycotting the Olympic Games. He said that national governments should decide for themselves whether they want to boycott the Games' opening ceremonies on August 8. The Olympic torch arrived on Saturday in the east African nation of Tanzania, after a relatively trouble-free run through Buenos Aires. A heavy security cordon surrounded the torch, preventing a repeat of the incidents that marred the relay in London, Paris and San Francisco. Several protesters tried unsuccessfully to douse the torch with water bombs.


Germany's chancellor, Angela Merkel, is ready to meet the Dalai Lama again despite the trouble that their last meeting caused for German-Chinese relations. Speaking in Oslo, she said that she would be unable to meet Tibet's exiled spiritual leader when he visits Germany next month because she will be in Latin America. Their initial meeting last September caused a crisis in relations. During a visit to Germany by Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi in January, his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier was able to restore relations.


China's President Hu Jintao has held a historic meeting with Taiwan's Vice-President-elect, Vincent Siew. The meeting at a business conference on China's Hainan Island was the highest-level contact between the two governments since their post-civil war split in 1949. Although the meeting was short, it signalled that both sides want to improve relations after several years of worsening ties. Mr. Siew is the running-mate of Ma Ying-jeou, who won a convincing victory in Taiwan's elections in March. He's pledged to improve the island's standing with Beijing once he takes office on May 20.


A spokesman for Kenya's president, Mwai Kibaki, says that it's likely a coalition cabinet will be announced on Sunday. Mr. Kibaki and opposition leader Raila Odinga were reported to have reached a deal on a coalition cabinet following seven hours of talks on Saturday.


The parliament in Haiti has voted to dismiss Prime Minister Jacques Edouard Alexis. Sixteen of Haiti's 27 senators voted in favour. The government is facing widespread frustration over the rising cost of living in what is considered the western hemisphere's poorest country. Deadly clashes occurred earlier this week between protesters and United Nations peacekeepers over high food prices. President Rene Preval announced a plan to cut food prices. Mr. Alexis was nominated as prime minister in May, 2006. He survived a no-confidence vote over the government's handling of the economy in February. On Saturday, a United Nations peacekeeper was shot and killed in Port-au-Prince. No details were reported.


A bomb exploded in a mosque in southern Iran on Saturday, killing at least eight people and wounding more than 60 others. The bomb exploded during an address by a cleric in the Shohada mosque in Shiraz. The death toll was expected to rise because some of the wounded were in critical condition. No one has claimed the responsibility for the blast.


A Sudanese transport plane crashed near the Moldovan capital while trying to land on Saturday. Eight people are reported to have died. Four were Moldovan and four others were Ukrainians. The crash occurred after pilots requested permission to land ten minutes into the flight.


Some ten thousand textile workers clashed with police near Bangladesh's capital, Dhaka, on Saturday. The workers were demonstrating for better wages to meet higher food prices. Dozens of people, including at least 20 police officials, were injured in the violence.


Former Maoist rebels have taken a surprising early lead in Friday's general election. The election was aimed at cementing a peace deal that ended a decade-long civil war. Of seven results declared, the Maoists have taken five seats. They are leading in over half of the 102 constituencies where counting is taking place. The final result of the polls, Nepal's first in nine years, could take around ten days.


Cuba has taken another step to improve living standards and efficiency for its citizens. The Communist government will speed up the hand-over of private titles to state-owned housing. In a decree published on Friday, the government said it will expedite property titles for Cubans who have been renting state houses allotted to them as far back as 20 years ago. The measure is the latest in a series of reforms taken since President Raul Castro succeeded his ailing brother, Fidel Castro, in February.


The United States beat Canada, 4-3, on Saturday to win the women's world hockey championship in Harbin, China. Two of the Americans' four goals were awarded following a viewing of the goals on video replay. The U.S. team outplayed Canada for the second straight game at the tournament to win their second world title, their first since 2005. Canada has won the other nine. In the National Hockey League playoffs, the Pittsburgh Penguins beat Ottawa 5-3, to take a 2-0 lead in their Eastern Conference playoff.


Canadians Meaghan Benfeito and Roseline Filion won bronze on the synchronized platform on Saturday in Moscow. China's Cao Jingzhen and Chen Ni won the gold, and Russia's Natalia Goncharova and Yulia Koltunova were second.


Canada reached the final at the men's world curling championship after Kevin Martin's Canadian rink advanced with a 5-4 win over Norway in a semifinal on Saturday. Canada will face Scotland on Sunday.


The Toronto Blue Jays beat Texas, 8-5, on Friday. Toronto's Lyle Overbay hit a three-run double as part of a 13-hit attack by the Jays, who ended a three-game losing streak.


The Toronto Raptors beat the New Jersey Nets, 113-85, on Friday. The Raptors won their second in a row, to move past Philadelphia for the sixth seed in the Eastern Conference. Carlos Delfino led the Raptors with 24 points. Chris Bosh added 21.


Here is Canada's weather on Sunday. British Columbia will have variable cloudiness. The high temperature in Vancouver will be 12 degrees Celsius. The Yukon: rain showers. Whitehorse, four. Northwest Territories: rain. Yellowknife, eight. Nunavut: sunny periods. Iqaluit, minus four. Alberta: variable cloudiness. Edmonton, 21. Saskatchewan: mainly sunny. Regina, 18. Manitoba: sunny. Winnipeg, 13. Ontario: sunny. Toronto, six. Ottawa, four. Quebec: snow flurries. Montreal, four. New Brunswick: rain showers. Fredericton, six. Nova Scotia: rain showers. Halifax, eight. Prince Edward Island: rain showers. Charlottetown, six. Newfoundland: rain showers. St. John's, four.

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Voice April quiz

The Voice April quiz
What is the birth date of the famous cricketer Sachin Tendulkar?

a) 20th April
b) 24th April
c) 28th April

Swopan Chakroborty
Kolkata, India

Inside Europe's April Quiz

Inside Europe's April Quiz


This month, we're testing your knowledge of 20th century European history.

A historic speech was given at Harvard University after the Second World War. It outlined a vision for future transatlantic ties and heralded an agreement which turns 60 this month. What are we referring to?

Over the coming four weeks we'll give you a different clue as to his identity. To win an MP3 player or another great prize, you need to be in the running, so email us your answer to europe@dw-world.de or write to us the old-fashioned way to European Desk, Deutsche Welle, Bonn, Germany. Good luck!

Swopan Chakroborty
Kolkata, India

Sports Report Quiz - April

Sports Report Quiz - April

Win a short-wave radio

The German Cup final this season will be between Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund. In this month' sports report quiz we would like you to tell us which German city usually hosts the final.

Is it

a) Munich

b) Berlin or

c) Frankfurt

The winner will receive a short wave radio, and the four runners up will each get a Deutsche Welle football.

Please send your answers no later than April 30th to:


That's sport.english@dw-world.de

Or send a postcard to Sports Report Quiz, Deutsche Welle Radio, English Service, 53110 Bonn, Germany.

Good Luck

Swopan Chakroborty
Kolkata, India

The BBC Proms has unveiled plans

Daily Telegraph
By Nigel Reynolds, Arts Correspondent
April 10, 2008

The BBC Proms has unveiled plans for a Doctor Who concert and a celebration
of folk music for the 2008 season, only a month after it was attacked by a
minister for attracting too narrow a section of society.

It was also announced that Nigel Kennedy will give his first Prom for 21
years. Kennedy has spurned the concerts since he was attacked in 1991 for
his "ludicrous clothes and grotesque, self-invented accent" by the late Sir
John Drummond, a former Proms director.

Roger Wright, the new director of the Proms, denied "dumbing down" the
summer series of concerts at the Royal Albert Hall and insisted that the
Proms had always provided a mixture of old and new, serious and accessible.

The Doctor Who family concert in July will feature Daleks and Cybermen on
stage, an appearance by the actress Freema Agyeman (one of the Time Lord's
assistants), music from the television series and a specially filmed scene
starring David Tennant.

The event will have a more highbrow side, however, with music on the theme
of "time and space" including the Jupiter Suite by Holst, Copland's Fanfare
for the Common Man, Wagner's The Ride of the Valkyries and the British
premiere of a work by the contemporary composer Mark-Anthony Turnage.

A day is to be devoted to folk music. Two concerts will be complemented by a
Prom in the Park with a ceilidh, a Maypole, Morris dancers, folk singing and

The event has been created to mark the 50th anniversary of the death of
Ralph Vaughan Williams, the British composer.

Mr Wright said the Doctor Who and folk concerts were planned before Margaret
Hodge, the culture minister, singled out the Proms as not doing enough to
attract a multicultural audience.

He said that Mrs Hodge's comments were "slightly odd". "She called me to
apologise about the way it [her speech] was covered."

The highlights
July 19 Nigel Kennedy Elgar Violin Concerto.
July 27 Doctor Who Prom
Aug 24 Sir John Eliot Gardiner/Monteverdi Choir/ English Baroque Soloists -
J S Bach's St John's Passion
Aug 26 Sir Andrew Davis/ BBC Symphony Orchestra - Vaughan Williams Fantasia
on a Theme by Thomas Tallis/ A Masque for Dancing/ Symphony No 9.
Sept 3 Sir Simon Rattle conducts Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra - Brahms
Symphony No 3 and Shostakovich Symphony No 10.
Sept 9 Bernard Haitink conducts Chicago Symphony Orchestra - Mahler Symphony
No 6, Sept 8. Shostakovich Symphony No 4.


[dxld] DJ completes 175 hours non-stop

Radio Today
April 10 2008

A presenter on Idaho's Kiss FM has just completed a record-breaking 175
hours on-air. Steve Kicklight, also known as KeKe Luv has been broadcasting
since last Thursday.

His goal was to increase awareness of child abuse, and his mission was
covered by local television stations and competing stations around the

The record was previously held by Johnny Walker of UNC Greensboro's WUAG.


[dxld] Israel Radio schedule on IBA's website

Re>>>>>The Israel Radio shortwave schedule (Persian) is now on the official
IBA website: from danr.

17:00 - 18:25 Iran @@ 13,850 9,985 30
N. America/W. Europe @ 9,390 13,630 22
Iran @@ 11,605 7,420 40

17:00 - 18:00 Iran @@ 13,850 9,985 30
N. America/W. Europe @ 9,390 13,630 22
Iran @@ 11,605 7,420 40
* Remarks: 17:00-18:25 from Sunday to Thursday ; 17:00-18:00 Friday &
@ Valid between 15.12.07 - 28.02.08
@@ Alternative frequencies for when reception conditions require a change

Are we sure this is current??????? The last (recent) time I monitored
Persian it was at 1400-1525(or 1500) via just two transmitters using 13850
and 11605. Neither appeared to be beaming towards Europe.
Noel R. Green (NW England)

Monday, April 07, 2008


**SOUTH AFRICA 7390 Channel Africa (Meyerton) *0358-0403 5 April,
EG/FR ID loop, bird call IS, 5+1 pips, opening announcements in FR
into news. (Dan Sheedy CA R75/EF102040)

9735 Channel Africa (Meyerton) *0457-0503 5 April,
local song in EG/VN, 5+1 pips, "7 AM, South Africa time", opening
announcements/ID in EG then news. Listed //7230 unheard. (Dan Sheedy
CA R75/EF102040)

**NORTH KOREA (non) 6020 Shiokaze/Sea Breeze (via Yamata) 1401-1406 4
April,Friday evening EG broadcast with URL/mailing address & "This is
the Shiokaze/Sea Breeze radio program, from Tokyo, Japan", then M
with another ID & new schedule info into "today's news on North
Korean issues" (news items from AP, Kyoto, etc.) (Dan Sheedy CA
G5/5m "vegan special" silly wire)

**SINGAPORE 6185 RSI 1305-1325 6 April, Ext. Service in CH heard well
with closing news items, clear "Xinjiapo guoyi guangbo diantai" ID,
DJ chatting then gave RSI/Chinese URL, more chat and
singing "Xinjiapo guoji guangbo diantai, R-S-I" jingles at 1317, 1319
then BM/EG pop song "My Girl", // 6000 heard fair-good with QRM from
6003. (Dan Sheedy CA R75/EF102040)

**MALAYSIA 7295 Traxx-FM (via RTM) 1336+ 6 April, "Hot Tracks" music
program with selections from new Boyz2Men compilation CD,
jingle:"Xperience the Xcitement on Traxx". (Dan Sheedy CA

**NETHERLANDS (non) 6225 RNW (Bonaire) 0505 4 April, slightly
distorted DT broadcast //6165..heard 1st on 3 April @ 0513 with the
G5 & thought to be an internal glitch, but also heard on the Icom
this night, so apparently it's not a receiver goof. Ideas? (Dan
Sheedy CA R75/EF102040)

[dxld] April 6-7 Logs

**BOLIVIA. 5952.44, Radio Pio Doce, 0220-0232*, April 6, local
music. Spanish talk. "Radio Kwai" signature tune at 0230. Stronger
than usual but still a poor quality signal due to strong adjacent channel
splatter. Tnx to Chuck Bolland tip. (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING

**CYPRUS. 5930, Cyprus BC Corp, *2215-2244*, April 6, New
Frequency, ex-6180. Sign on with Greek music. Greek opening
announcements & radio-drama. Greek music. Sign off with Greek
tune. Good signal. // 7210-poor, mixing with China Radio Int. and
// 9760-very weak. (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

**ETHIOPIA. 5980, Voice of Tigrey Revolution, *0355-0410, April 7,
sign on with IS. Amharic talk at 0400 along with occasional Horn of
Africa music. Poor. Weak with adjacent channel splatter. Threshold
copy on // 6170. (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

**ETHIOPIA. 7209.91, Radio Fana, *0258-0340, April 7, IS. Opening
ID announcement at 0301 & into Horn of Africa music. Amharic talk.
Weak. Covered by BBC 7210 at *0300-0329*. Radio Fana audible
after BBC sign off at 0329. Better signal on // 6110. (Brian Alexander,

**GABON. 4777, Radio Gabon, *0458-0510, April 7, sign on with
National Anthem. Opening French ID announcements at 0459.
Possible news at 0500. Fair to good. (Brian Alexander, PA, DX

**NORTH AMERICA. Pirate, 6700.11, The Crystal Ship, 0010-0025,
April 7, pro-marijuana talk & music. ID. Good signal. // 5385.48- fair.
(Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

**U.S.A. 4910, WWCR spur, 0145-0200, April 7, two separate WWCR
programs from 5070 & 9980 mixing together on 4910. Tnx to Glenn
Hauser for figuring this one out: 9980 - 5070 = 4910. Poor to fair.
I am also hearing 9980 bleeding into 5070. (Brian Alexander, PA, DX

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA
Equipment: TenTec RX-340, 100 foot longwires

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Radio Prague April 2008 quiz

For the April competition we stay with the Olympics:
Our mystery lady was born in Prague in 1932. As a student of medicine she took up the discus and won gold at the Melbourne Olympics in 1956. There she fell in love with the American gold medal winning hammer thrower. The couple got married in Prague but she was no longer allowed to represent communist Czechoslovakia. At the consequent four Olympic Games she represented the US and even carried the US flag at the opening ceremony of the 1972 Munich Olympics.
Please send us your answers to English@radio.cz or Radio Prague, 12099 Prague and don't forget about Radio Prague's annual writing contest – this year also concerning Czech sport. All the details can be found on our website or in our programmes throughout the week. Until next week, take care.

new competition relating to Czech radio

15.03.2008 - Projects

Radio Prague is pleased to announce a new competition relating to Czech

Which Czech sportsperson or team has particularly impressed you?

Write and tell us what you know about them and why you admire them. The
author of the best entry will win a week-long stay for two in Prague. Ten
others will receive runners-up prizes. The best entries will be aired in our
Mailbox show on June 29th and you will also find them on our web site
at www.radio.cz.

The deadline for entries isJune 13th, and the address to send them to

Radio Prague Vinohradská 12 120 99 Prague 2 Czech Republic or you can
e-mail them to cr@radio.cz.

For your inspiration:

The first prize is sponsored by OREA HOTELS, one of the biggest hotel
chains in the Czech Republic.

Source: Czech Radio 7, Radio Prague
URL: http://www.radio.cz/en/article/102484
Copyright 2008 Radio Prague
All rights reserved

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Fwd: [dxld] World of Radio 1402 summary

*Israel Radio finally does it --- closes all shortwave broadcasts
except Persian; live streaming and several languages including
English, on demand at http://www.intkolisrael.com
*Galei Zahal, Israeli Defence Forces radio, remains on SW 6973 and
15785 variable, in Hebrew but lots of good music, and a
`marblemouth` DJ
*Iraq is not going on DST this year
*Iran`s new English schedule; some frequencies vary up to 2 kHz
*Aslam Javaid, Lahore, monitors the two conflicting transmissions of
Radio Solh, inside Afghanistan on 6700
*Radio Pakistan`s new English schedule, as reduced
*Sri Lanka changes its SW schedule, including English at 0030-0330 on
6005, 9770, 15745
*IBC Tamil via Germany now 0000-0100 on 7320
*All India Radio, Itanagar has been off-on-off-on 4990, at latest
report on; also Shillong 4970
*R. Thailand on 12120 ex-12095 to E North America, 0030 English, 0100-
0200 Thai --- but collides with radioteletype; moved from 12095 due
to DW Sri Lanka. Maybe they can swap
*English from Lhasa ``Holy Tibet`` schedule, but you`ll only get the
Chicom party line
*Shiokaze/Sea Breeze service about Japanese abducted by North Korea
moves to 6020 at 1400-1430, following R. Australia; some days in
*N. Korean harmonic from 4450 `jams` Narita airport Japan air traffic
communications on 8897
*V. of Mongolia`s English at 1530 on 12085 now confirmed, at least on
March 25
*Radio Madang, Papua New Guinea, 3260, sent informative QSL letter to
Mark Schiefelbein: now called NBC Madang, and NBC plans to close all
SW by 2015y
*Thanks for financial support from Harry Helms, to celebrate George W.
Bush Day, via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com
*WBCQ on new 15420 April 2, but lots of interference from Deutsche
Welle via UK, UAE and later Rwanda; in clear after 2100 including
WORLD OF RADIO at 2300; but next day resumed 17495
*This season`s VOA Greenville frequency in English to Africa at 1730-
2000 is 15410, also putting excellent signal off the back to Central
North America; but depending on skip, and especially eastward,
collides with CVC Miami via Chile, already on 15410. Beams cross on
the west coast of Africa
*World of Radio on WRMI 9955 jammed by Cuba April 2 at 1130, among
many other times. If being jammed is a badge of honor, we proudly
wear it; Commies vs Okies?
*CBC Northern Quebec, 9625 well heard in Europe lately, including
Arctic local news in English weekdays at 2130-2140
*RCI A-08 English from Sackville to Europe or Africa, so also audible
back in North America: 1800-1900 on 17735; 2000-2100 on 15235, 17735;
also has new relay via Emirler, Turkey at 0100-0200 on 9620, in
exchange for Turkey via Sackville, 0300 on 7325 [which was finally in
English from April 4]
*Kai Ludwig suspects RCI self-censors its broadcasts via Japan in
Chinese, since it has large relay exchanges with China
*RCI made change from 7310 to 7325 two sesquiweeks later than planned,
so now at 1105-1405 it is blocking any possible reception in NAm of
Wantok Radio Light, Papua New Guinea during those hours
*Last-minute plans for special DX test material on the last night of
CBA, 1070, Moncton NB, early Monday April 7 until its final closedown
at 1000 UT; see http://www.dxtests.info
*CBC axes North America`s last radio orchestra, the CBC Radio
Orchestra, Vancouver, another sign of disrespect for classical music
by CBC management, also dumbing down Radio 2
*Chuck Bolland hears intriguing Latin American harmonic on 3200.13
around 1030 UT; on his recording the ID sounds to us like Radio
Minuto, but stations by that name unfound on 1600, just 1500 in
Nicaragua, 1520 in Barranquilla
*Cuba extends usage of 12000 from morning to afternoon, but now
colliding with HCJB before and after 2300
*REE relay, Costa Rica, remains off frequency 5964, but 9764 corrected
to 9765, while 11815 goes off to 11814!
*VOA, RFE/RL and Radio Farda relays via Morocco all closed March 30 as
IBB withdrew from Briech site, but still in use by Morocco`s RTM,
e.g. 5980 at 0230
*Radio Oromiya, 6030 in Adama City, Ethiopia, officially launched tho
DXers have been hearing it for weeks; not to be confused with Radio
ICDI, missionary station in Central African Republic on 6030, which
is probably getting blown away by it
*V. of the Broad Masses of Eritrea on new 5955 at 0357, but is it just
for jamming?
*Radio Cairo confirmed on new 9280, English to North America at 2300-
2430, but very undermodulated; European languages concluding with
English 2115-2245 on 11550 ex-6250 to mixed reviews
*Poland`s English schedule via Germany, as corrected
*International Radio Serbia moves from 7115 to 6185 for English to
North America at 0000 and 0100, but lots of interference from 6180
and Mexico 6185; 6195 seems clear. Earlier English to Europe at 1300,
1830 and 2100 on low-power Belgrade 7200, the last two also on hi-
power Bosnian 6100
*Radio PMR, Pridnestrovye on new schedule: 6040 to NAm including
English 2200, 2245; 12135 to Europe including English 1400, 1445,
1530, 1615, all alternating with French and German. Had been 4 days a
week, now more than that?
*V. of Russia, English to NAm, was excellent via Germany on 6155, now
moved to 9480 from 0200; only 7 MHz frequency left is 7250 at 0100-
0200, then mostly on 9 and 13. North Americans may also hear 1400
broadcast to South Asia on 15660
*2008 issue of BLANDX, DX parody available just in time for April
Fool`s Day, http://www.blandx.com
*New censored HFCC public schedule for A-08 is already available via:
*Propagation outlook from Boulder: flux peaking at 80 April 18-20; A &
K indices 5 & 2 April 12-21 ###

Primetime schedules on Mobile - wap.dxinginfo.com

Dear Friends,

It's my pleasure to inform you the beta launch of DXinginfo Mobile site, at http://wap.dxinginfo.com

Here you will find current hour ongoing English broadcasts, and also you will be able to search the broadcasts in English by country / station or start UTC time or end UTC time, even by frequency also.

Now a searchable index of almost all the sw English broadcast frequency & times are under your finger tips on the move. Just you need a GPRS enabled GSM Mobile phone set or Internet enabled CDMA mobile phone set to browse it.

Your feedback and suggestions are highly appreciated for this project. We are also trying to add more features to it. Send your suggestions.

Thanks & Regards,
Partha Sarathi Goswami
El Nino Electronics DX Club,
Siliguri, West Bengal, India

Newslink April Quiz

Newslink April Quiz

Your chance to win an MP3 player or a shortwave radio

Germany continues to be gripped by "polar bear frenzy" - following the first public appearance in April of "Flocke", the polar bear cub in the Nürnberg Zoo. Now the city government there is set to cash in on Flocke marketing rights, taking their lead from Berlin, where a polar bear cub became an international tourist attraction just over a year ago.

But what was the name of that first polar bear?

Was it

A. Fred

B. Knut or

C. Dieter?

You can send your answer by email to newslink@dw-world.de, or as a text message to +49 160 148 1000, or by post to Deutsche Welle, English Service, 53110 Bonn, Germany.

There's a choice of a shortwave radio or an MP3 player for the winner and some great consolation prizes for the first five runners up.   Good luck!  

Swopan Chakroborty
Kolkata, India

Inbox April quiz

The first day in May is a national holiday in Germany and many other countries - see if you can answer this month's Inbox Question correctly!

Celebrating the first of May has ancient pagan origins, with many of the particular customs currounding this time still practised today. Since modern times this day now also marks another celebration.

The earliest celebrations on May first appeared in pre-Christian Europe in the Celtic celebrations of Beltane and the Walpurgis Night of the Germanic countries. But the first day of May is probably best known for the tradition of dancing around the May Pole.


In the rural regions of Germany, people still have Walpurgisnacht – traditionally held on the last day of April – where they light bonfires and wrap May poles in preparation for the next day.


On the first of May the May pole – a tree trunk covered in colourful ribbons, flowers and other decorations - is put up and people dance and sing around it. The Maypole and the dance celebrate the end of winter and the return of Spring. And of course, in typical German style many people also celebrate with beer and wurst (or sausage) too!


In the Rhine region of Germany, it is also tradition for young men to anonymously deliver a tree known as a maibaum or May tree to the front yard of the girl they are interested in. The maibaum is usually a birch tree covered in crepe paper streamers, often with the name of their love interest on a big heart-shaped sign. And it's not surprising that May is the busiest month for weddings in Germany!


But the first day in May is really two holidays in one. May first is also International Workers' Day. In Germany it's also known as 'Tag der Arbeit', or Labour Day. Labour Day is an annual holiday that is observed all around the world, celebrating the social and economic achievements of workers. In the United States, however, it is celebrated on a different day – the first Monday in September. Labour Day also tends to be a day of demonstrations, with many people taking to the streets to highlight problems facing workers. In some areas, these demonstrations turn into clashes between the protesters and the police.


What we want to know here at Inbox this month is: "Why is the first of May an official holiday in Germany. Is it


A) to give people time to dance around the Maypole

B) to celebrate International Workers' Day

C) To mark the beginning of spring.


Answers should be sent in no later than April 30th

Send your answer by e-mail to: inbox@dw-world.de or as a text message to +49 160148 1000, or by post to Deutsche Welle, English Service, Inbox, 53110 Bonn, Germany.


There's a shortwave radio for the winner and some great consolation prizes for the runners-up.


As always, we are also interested in receiving your personal stories, thoughts or feelings about any national celebrations in your home country.


Good Luck!


Previous Winners:
November 2007:
Godfrey Musimbi - Uganda
Apoli Bertrand Kameni - France
Stan Picha - Canada



Jayanta Chakrabarty - India



Swopan Chakroborty
Kolkata, India

euromaxx quiz

euromaxx quiz

Our euromaxx quiz is simple. All you have to do is examine four pictures and answer a simple question.

If you've got the answer just drop us a line and you could be the winner of a designer wristwatch made in Europe.

We eagerly await your entry (one entry per person per e-mail). Include your answers in the e-mail text, but not as an attachment.

There is no legal recourse.


Rock Movie

Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:

This week's quiz is about Martin Scorsese's music documentary.

This week, the rockudocumentary "Shine a Light" will be hitting cinemas in various parts of the world. With his film about a famous rock band, Oscar-winning director Martin Scorsese has fulfilled a personal dream. 

The movie was shot at a concert during a world tour that took place two years ago. Our question is: which European rock band was the focus of Scorsese's latest film? Was it...



Heroes del SilencioBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  Heroes del Silencio

The PoliceBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  The Police

The Rolling StonesBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  The Rolling Stones

The ScorpiosBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  The Scorpios





Our keyword is "Rock Movie". If you know the answer, you can write to us at:
DW TV euromaxx
Voltastrasse 6
13355 Berlin, Germany

You can also send a fax to: +49-30-4646 6505. The deadline is April 18th. Please remember to include the keyword! And, as always, our decision is final.

The chosen entry with a correct answer will win a Skagen ladies' watch. And three weeks ago we asked you who painted the most valuable painting - worth 20 million euros - exhibited at the TEFAF, the European Fine Art Fair in the Dutch city of Maastricht? And the correct answer is: C) Van Gogh. And from all the right answers we have drawn a winner: Nader Almanakli from Damascus in Syria. You have won a Festina men's watch. Congratulations!

Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Fwd: [dxld] Re: DXLD 8-040 Slovakia

Kris, sorry to say that at least in my tico case this was a great
choice from RSI dropping 7230 for 5930 for the Spanish sked. Strong
and clear kind of S5 at 0230 and no splatter at all from WWCR. Not
that 7230 was making it bad, but it was better than 9440, slightly
poorer here.

73. Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica.

** SLOVAKIA. R. Slovakia International, A08 to North America --- Tried
listening to RSI March 31, 2008 at 0100 UT on the new A08 frequency of
5930 kHz. Poor choice. Dr. Gene Scott via WWCR is using 5935 kHz
thereby causing extreme interference to Radio Slovakia International.

I also tried 9440 kHz, broadcast to South America. Unfortunately,
nothing heard on this frequency at my QTH.

5930 kHz is a traditional R. Slovakia Int frequency. Unsure if they
will consider changing. Shame as the other R. Slovakia Int broadcasts
where also not heard. Perhaps, R. Slovakia Int should continue using
their B07 frequency of 7230 at 0100 UT. 73, (Kraig Krist, KG4LAC,
Manassas, VA USA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

MyAsia April 2008 quiz

Quiz of the Month

Answer the following question to win a short-wave radio and other Deutsche Welle prizes! Which country is commonly referred to as the Pearl of the Indian Ocean?

A. India?

B. Sri Lanka?


C. The Maldives?

To be entered in the prize draw, please send your answers and your postal addresses to us at myasia@dw-world.de or to Deutsche Welle Radio, Asia English Department, Kurt-Schumacher Straße 3, 53113 Bonn, Germany.

The draw will take place at the end of the month and the winners will be informed on our radio programme Asia Compact and on this site. Good luck!

Swopan Chakroborty
Kolkata, India

Radio Prague annual contest 2008

The beginning of the summer broadcast schedule means one more thing: the time has come once again for Radio Prague to announce its annual listener's competition. This year the contest relates to Czech sportspeople. All you need to do is write a few lines to answer the following question:
Which Czech sportsperson or team has particularly impressed you?
Write and tell us what you know about them and why you admire them. The author of the best entry will win a week-long stay for two in Prague and there will also be valuable prizes for the runners up. Your answers need to reach us by June 13th, 2008 at Radio Prague, Vinohradská 12, 12099 Prague 2, Czech Republic or via e-mail at cr@radio.cz
The best entries will be read on the air on June 29 on Radio Prague and will be displayed on our website www.radio.cz
The main prize is sponsored by OREA HOTELS, one of the biggest hotel chains in the Czech Republic.

Swopan Chakroborty
Kolkata, India